General Dentistry

Regular Examination

We recommend our patients should attend for a dental check-up and clean every 6 months. However this may vary for some patients depending on their dental requirements. In the examination, our dentist will thoroughly examine teeth, gums and mouth and will take x-rays if required. The dentist will then be able to discuss any general health, dietary issues and your general teeth-cleaning habits. From this they will be able to advise and recommend any improvements where possible and also answer any questions you may have. They may suggest additional treatment and will provide you with a full treatment.

Gum Treatment

Gum disease (gingivitis) is one of the most widespread diseases across the world, however it is preventable and can be treated easily when it is found early enough. Gum disease happens when plaque builds up around teeth that aren’t cleaned properly. Smoking, diabetes, pregnancy, taking medication which makes your mouth dry, or eating too many sugary foods, can make you more likely to get gum disease. Untreated gum disease may spread to the ligaments and bone surrounding your teeth causing Periodontitis. This may lead to gum recession, exposed roots, sensitive and loose teeth.

Contact Us

By offering a complete range of dental services we can provide you with the ability to smile with confidence and feel amazing. 

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